Our Bolus range

Bolus Calzogol

Calzogol Bolus für Milchfieber Prophylaxe
Calcium bolus (milk fever)
Cows with an optimal calcium supply start lactation better, are healthier and give more milk. The Calzogol Bolus enables the cow to receive a steady supply of calcium. Calzogol Bolus contains no corrosive calcium chloride, is therefore well tolerated by the mucosa and does not produce irritation of the mouth, oesophagus and rumen.

Feeding recommendation:
Administer one bolus with the applicator as per the instructions when calving. If required, administer a second bolus approx. 12 hours after birth.

Dietary mineral feed for milk cows to lower the risk of milk fever. High calcium content in the form of readily available calcium salts.

Bolus Phosphogol

Phosphogol Bolus für Milchfieber Prophylaxe
Phosphorus bolus for dairy cows
Cows with optimum phosphorus supply have a better start to lactation, are healthier and produce more milk. Phosphorus deficiency occurs ever more frequently in calving cows. The Phosphogol bolus enables the targeted supply of phosphorus around calving time.

Feeding recommendation:

Administer one bolus with the applicator as per the instructions when calving. If required, administer a second bolus approx. 12 hours after birth.

Feed supplement for dairy cows


Bolus Ket-o-Vital®

Bolus Ket-o-Vital® zur Ketose Prophylaxe
Energy Bolus (Ketosis)
Healthy cows become pregnant quicker and provide more milk. This energy bolus works on various physiological levels: Liver, rumen and immune system. Very high milk yield, birth problems, stress, heat and obesity at the time of birth are classical  risk factors for ketosis. The glucoplastic substances support the energy metabolism. This reduces the risk of ketosis/acetonemia. 

Feeding recommendation:

Administer two boluses shortly after calving using a bolus applicator as per the instructions. If required, administer another bolus 12 hours after calving.

Dietary supplementary feed for milk cows to lower the risk of milk ketosis. Glucose-supplying raw materials.

Bolus Fertilgol

Bolus Fertilgol für bessere Fruchtbarkeit bei Kühen
Beta Carotene Bolus (fertility)
Bolus Fertilgol is excellent for female and male breeding animals just before and during the covering or insemination period. The high beta carotene content aids the corpus luteum formation, colostrum quality, the oestrus cycle and sperm quality. A well-developed corpus luteum has a positive influence on the embryonic survival rate. A quick pregnancy shortens the calving interval and improves economic success..

Feeding recommendation:

Female cows: Administer the first bolus 30 days before insemination. Administer the second bolus shortly before or after insemination
Stud bulls: Administer one bolus every 20 – 30 days during breeding season. The bolus dissolves in 20 days in the rumen

Dietary mineral feed (for cattle with fully developed rumen) to support preparation for oestrus and reproduction.
High content of vitamin A

Bolus Bufferlyt

Bolus Bufferlyt Mineralfuttermittel (für Kälber) zur zusätzlichen Versorgung mit Puffer und Elektrolyten.
Buffer and Electrolyte Bolus
Sodium bicarbonate is a very effective buffer. The use of buffers helps to resist excess acidity. Excess acidity is often the reason why calves are weak and dull and have no desire to drink. Lost electrolytes are effectively replaced. This stabilises water levels during e.g. transport, stress and heat. Stress-free and safe administration can also be done without an applicator. Simply place the bolus lengthways on the base of the tongue using your hand.The calf will swallow the bolus with no problems.

Feeding recommendation:
Immediately administer one bolus as per the instructions at the first signs of digestive problems.. Then administer one bolus after each liquid meal for 2 – 3 days.

Mineral feed (for calves) for additional supply of buffers and electrolytes.