Respiratory protection

Arbeiter mit professioneller Atemschutzmaske
Kerbl respirators help to respond optimally to threats by pollutants and to protect yourself from them safely.

All respirators are Category 3 Personal Protective Equipment (irreversible health damage) in accordance with Regulatin (EU) 2016/425.

Breathing valves make them more comfortable.

Choose the right respirator and filter accessories for your needs: 

Activated carbon filter in half-masks for protection against gases and vapours
 Code DescriptionExample
Roter Punkt für organische Gase und Dämpfe
organic gases and vapoursPainting, tarring, herbicides
Code Grau für Anorganische Gase und Dämpfe, Schwefelwasserstoff, Chlorgas, Blausäure
Inorganic gases and vapours, hydrogen sulphide, chlorine, hydrogen cyanideDetergents and disinfection agents
Code gelb für Schwefeldioxid und Chlorwasserstoff
Sulphur dioxide, hydrogen chlorideExhaust gases
Code grün für Ammoniak
AmmoniaManure, stables
The filter classes provide information on the maximum concentration of harmful gas in the air:
 Filter classMaximum protection
 1<1000 ppm (0,1vol%)
 2<5000 ppm (0,5vol%)
 3<10000 ppm (1,0vol%)

The lifetime of filters depends on the humidity and temperature of the inhaled air, the chemical composition of the gases or the storage conditions. This means a general lifetime cannot be specified. Change the filter as soon as you notice the first unpleasant odours or inhaling becomes difficult as the filter has bonded together.

P: Filtern von gesundheitsschädlichen Stäuben, Rauch, Aerosolen
 TypeModelProtection zonesApplication examples
 Hygiene mask345103no personal protective equipmentcoarse dust, liquid droplets and droplet-borne infection
4-fold MAK value*Dust, pollen, rust, tile dust, aqueous aerosols
10-fold MAK value*Quartz, cement, flour and wood dust, metal smoke, fungal spores, aerosols, viruses, aqueous solutions of herbicides
30-fold MAK value*Stainless steel dust, asbestos, diesel soot, glass wool, viruses / bacteria
*MAK value = maximum workplace concentration. It indicates the maximum, permitted concentration of a material in the air for which no health damage can be expected, even when one is exposed to it for 8 hours a day, 40 hours a week.