SmartCoop Switchable intermediate socket

  • controls the power supply to electronic devices (e.g. additional light sources, heat plates, heat lamps, etc.) according to individual time or temperature settings
  • the switchable intermediate socket is connected to an existing 230 V socket and the device to be controlled is plugged in
  • the flow of power is interrupted according to the selected settings and the connected device is used intelligently and in an energy-saving manner
  • constant plugging and unplugging of devices is no longer necessary
  • with the standard settings of the control (70600), the switchable intermediate socket is switched on and off in a time-controlled manner
  • the air temperature sensor (70624) is required for temperature-dependent control
  • incl. 250 cm connection cable for easy connection to the SmartCoop control unit
  • control (70600) required
Ref. no.PU
Ref. no.DescriptionLengthPU
70629Extension Cord2 m1/66