Rope Insulator Easy Cord

ideal for Premium Horse Wire

441382/703E: Screw-in Tool Set (item no. 441384) is included with the promotional bucket

Ref. no.ColourSupport lengthMOQPieces / unitPU
441382black38 mm1 pouch25 / pouch1/25/5001/25/500
441382/301black38 mm1 pack30 / pack1/121/12
441382/703Eblack38 mm1 bucket70 / bucket11
Ref. no.DescriptionColourMOQPieces / unitPU
441601/011Fence Connection Cable, triplered1 pack1 / pack1/40

Preview imageItem. No.Description441382/703E
 6113Bucket 5 litresx