AKO OviNet

Our proven electrifiable sheep nets for universal use

  • height 90 cm (9 horizontal poly wires) or 108 cm (10 horizontal poly wires)
  • robust plastic posts with galvanised bottom tip
  • high-quality, durable plastic strands in horizontal and vertical directions are welded to each other extremely firmly, and the reduced size of the mesh prevents even younger animals from escaping
  • equipped with a particularly conductive combination of copper and stainless steel wires, this mesh boasts super-low resistance (0.27 or 0.25 Ohm/m) and therefore keep the animals being protected inside the fence, but also attackers from outside away
  • reinforced, current-carrying top wire as a lifeline for the entire net - increased conductivity throughout the entire course of the net
  • narrow mesh size, especially in the lower part of the net, provides certain protection even for small animals
Ref. no.Ground spikeLengthHeightColourQty postsMatching replacement postPUPallet
27251Single prong50 m90 cmorange14273011130 PAL30 PAL
27252Double prong50 m90 cmorange14273031130 PAL30 PAL
27253Single prong50 m108 cmorange14273051130 PAL30 PAL
27254Double prong50 m108 cmorange14273041130 PAL30 PAL
27266Double prong50 m90 cmgreen14272771130 PAL30 PAL
27268Double prong50 m108 cmgreen14272791130 PAL30 PAL
Ref. no.DescriptionGround spikeColourMaterialPost heightPU
27293sheep netting repair set orange  1/100
27322Floor Anchor blackPlastic 1/10/300
27249-5Head Insulator for Pasture Netting blackPlastic 1/10/500
27250-5Base stopper for pasture netting blackPlastic 1/10/500
27301Spare PostSingle prongyellowPlastic90 cm1/50
27305Spare PostSingle prongyellowPlastic108 cm1/50
27294sheep netting repair set green  1/100
27277Spare PostDouble prongblackPlastic90 cm1/50
27279Spare PostDouble prongblackPlastic108 cm1/50
27303Spare PostDouble prongyellowPlastic90 cm1/50
27304Spare PostDouble prongyellowPlastic108 cm1/50

  • durable, high quality at a good price
  • small separation of horizontal wires in the lower part of the net retains even small animals within the net
  • trusted for decades by profis and hobby sheep farmers

Preview imageItem. No.Description272512725227253272542726627268
Repair kit orange27293Repair kit orangexxxx  
 27321ground holder/flexinetxxxxxx
Wire connector Litzclip, up to442003/101Wire connector Litzclip, up toxxxxxx
Spare top insulator27249-5Spare top insulatorxxxxxx
Spare stopper27250-5Spare stopperxxxxxx
Repair kit green27294Repair kit green    xx
 27245Spare Post Ovi Netx     
 27246Spare Post Ovi Net x    
 27247Spare Post Ovi Net  x   
 27277Spare post, double prong,    x 
 27248Spare Post Ovi Net   x  
 27279Spare post, double prong,     x