Systems with 24 volts are primarily used in stables where the electrical cables could be damaged by browsing and could pose a risk to animals and possibly also to people with a 230 volt system.
A protective isolating transformer (e.g. item no. 222798) is required to operate one or more drinking bowls with 24 volts. The transformer reduces the mains voltage from 230 volts AC to max. 24 volts AC. The transformer must be selected so that the power of the transformer is greater than the total power of the connected loads.
2 x heating cables (3 metres, 30 watts; art. no. 223581) + 2 x drinking bowls H10 (50 watts; art. no. 222005) = 160 watts
-> 200 watt transformer (item no. 222797) required
he transformer should never be fully utilised with the connected consumers or even exceed the total output, as otherwise the required heat output of the heating cables and drinking trough heaters can no longer be provided.
Please also note that if the cable cross-section of the supply line from the transformer to the drinking trough is too small, a lot of power can be lost. In order to keep the water pipes and drinking troughs safely frost-free, it is important to optimise the length and cross-section of the cable. Please refer to the table with the maximum cable lengths and cross-sections for the power to be transmitted.
Therefore, place the transformer as close as possible to the consumer (heating cable, drinking trough heater). It must be installed outside the browsing area, protected from water and mounted outside the splash zone of the drinking trough.