News 2022

Albert und Ulli Kerbl vor dem Kerbl Messestand auf der EuroTier

EuroTier 2022 - we were there

This year, too, we can look back on a successful trade fair appearance. At our stand we were able to present our latest innovations to many interested visitors. In addition, we were awarded the silver medal of the Innovation Award EuroTier. Get an impression of four eventful days at the EuroTier trade fair.

Silbermedaille Innovation Award EuroTier 2022

AKO WolfStop wins the DLG Silver Award Innovation Prize

Our new product AKO WolfStop is awarded the silver medal. The Innovation Award EuroTier is the leading innovation award for animal husbandry. We present our latest innovations at the fair and are pleased to receive the award directly on location.

Kerbl als Gewinner des Bayerischen Mittelstandspreises ausgezeichnet

Kerbl honoured as winner of the "Bayerischer Mittelstandspreis"

Following last year's award as Bavaria's Best 50, Albert Kerbl GmbH has now also been awarded the "Bayerischer Mittelstandspreis".

Teaserbild Kerbl Hersteller von Medizinprodukten

Kerbl Medical Device Manufacturer

By introducing a quality management system in accordance with EN ISO 13485:2016 for medical products along the entire value chain, Albert Kerbl GmbH is now able to market Class 1 medical products itself and tap into new customer groups with these products.

hippomed Logo

Kerbl takes over hippomed

With effect from 15 January 2022, Albert Kerbl GmbH will take over the "hippomed" business division from Neu-Tec GmbH.