Get rid of slugs and snails: SnailStop electric slug fence for environmentally conscious gardeners

Dear Garden Owners,

Have you recently noticed unusually high slug activity in your garden, especially after heavy rains? These small creatures can cause significant damage by destroying lettuce heads, young seedlings, and a variety of vegetables. Due to the recent heavy downpours, the situation has worsened, leading to a massive slug infestation. Among gardeners, there is no other topic of conversation at the local meetups and on social media. The situation has become so dramatic that slug pellets are in short supply at many sales points and online.

But don't worry, we have the perfect solution for you!

SnailStop by Kerbl: Your Eco-Friendly Solution Against Slugs

In this context, we present to you the SnailStop electric snail fence by Kerbl – an effective, eco-friendly, and sustainable solution to keep slugs at bay. The SnailStop fence uses a safe electric barrier that prevents slugs from entering your lettuce and vegetable beds without harming wildlife.

Benefits of SnailStop at a Glance:
  • Effective Protection: Keeps slugs reliably away from your plants without chemicals or toxins.
  • Eco-Friendly: The electric fence does not harm the environment or other animals in your garden.
  • Easy Installation: Can be easily set up and adjusted – ideal for raised beds.
  • Long-Lasting Protection: Provides a permanent solution, allowing you to enjoy your gardening without interruption.
Advantages SnailStop: environmentally friendly, reliable, harmless, not lethal, ultra-easy installation, good value and durable, can be extended at will,  unaffected by environmental factors
Many satisfied hobby gardeners report positive experiences with SnailStop.

Act Now and Protect Your Garden!

Say goodbye to slug problems and enjoy the fruits of your garden with SnailStop by Kerbl – your choice for safe and green garden care. Order today and see how easy it can be to naturally and effectively combat slugs.

Salad, vegetables and herbs from one's own garden are enjoying great popularity among more and more hobby gardeners. It doesn't get any fresher or healthier than this. They invest a lot of work and love in it.

It is all the more annoying when slugs attack the lettuce and ruin the efforts. After many fruitless attempts to get rid of the voracious slime, motivated and environmentally conscious hobby farmers are looking for an effective and sustainable method to get rid of the pesky pests. Now there is an effective and environmentally friendly solution to repel slugs.

SnailStop Electric Slug Fence

The innovative solution to protect your vegetables from slugs safely and without poison.

The Electric Snail Fence protects your vegetables from snails safely and without poison. Compared to other control methods, the Electric Snail Fence is harmless to humans and animals!

The operating principle:
The live fence tape forms an insurmountable barrier for all kinds of slugs in the home garden. The fence tape has two parallel, electrically conductive contact strips. If the slug makes a connection between the two contact strips when trying to cross the fence strip, a small current flows for a short time. Due to the low fence voltage of 9 Volts (block battery), the slugs do not suffer any damage, but only feel an unpleasant tingling sensation and are immediately induced to turn around.

For other animals and also for humans, the effect is not noticeable
and completely harmless.
Kind und Hund stehen vor Salatbeet
Der elektrifizierbare Schneckenzaun SnailStop schützt ein Hochbeet mit Salatpflanzen
The live fence tape forms an insurmountable barrier for all kinds of slugs. If the slug makes a connection between the two contact strips when trying to cross the fence strip, a small current flows for a short time. Due to the low fence voltage, the slugs only feel an unpleasant tingling sensation and are immediately induced to turn around.
Der elektrifizierbare Schneckenzaun SnailStop schützt ein Hochbeet mit Salatpflanzen
No prior knowledge is required to connect the fence tapes to the power unit. The fence tape can be connected and supplied with power with the help of the contact clip, which is connected to the power unit. Two control LEDs enable safe monitoring of the battery status and the power supply.
Der elektrifizierbare Schneckenzaun SnailStop schützt ein Hochbeet mit Salatpflanzen
The self-adhesive fence tape can be easily and permanently attached to almost all types of surfaces (wood, metal, plastic, stone, concrete) and can be shortened if necessary. By means of bed connectors, multiple beds can also be operated with a single power unit. This means the fence can be extended to a maximum length of 30 m.


Areas of application

Of course, we have developed our SnailStop so that it can be used for more than just raised beds. The fence tape sticks to almost all substrates made from wood, metal, concrete, plastic and stone. This makes the SnailStop ideal for simple bed borders close to the ground, lawn edges or slug plates too.

Where can SnailStop be used?

  • Raised beds
  • Bed borders
  • Lawn edges
  • Slug plates
  • Edge stones
SnailStop angebracht am Hochbeet
SnailStop angebracht um Einfassung von Bodenbeet
SnailStop angebracht auf der Steineinfassung vom Beet
SnailStop angebracht am Kunststoffrahmen des Beetes
SnailStop angebracht auf der Metalleinfassung vom Beet

What substrates does the fence tape stick to?

SnailStop angebracht auf Untergrund Stein
SnailStop angebracht auf Holzuntergrund
SnailStop angebracht auf Metalluntergrund
SnailStop angebracht auf Untergrund Kunststoff
SnailStop aufgebracht auf Untergrund Beton

Electric fences are not the only good way to repel slugs. There are also various chemical agents that drive away or kill slugs. However, one should be careful when choosing the agent, as many are poisonous and could thus also become a danger to other animals and humans.

If you are looking for an effective and safe way to protect your garden from slugs, consider electric slug fences.

Many hobby farmers are enthusiastic about the electric slug fence! It is the perfect solution for those who suffer from slug infestations in the garden. Poison-free and harmless, it is the best choice for an insurmountable barrier against all kinds of slugs. Finally, you can enjoy your home-grown vegetables and salad with fresh herbs again.

Tips and tricks:

The SnailStop electric slug fence protects your plants from slug invasion. If there are already slugs or slug eggs in the soil of your vegetable bed, you have to remove them.
Place a narrow board on your plant bed. The slugs will collect on the underside over time. In the evening, in the dark, you can turn the board over and remove the pesky pests. SnailStop prevents new ones from coming.

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