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SmartCoop - the world's first plug & play barn automation for the hobby farmer and direct marketer

Healthy chickens are happy chickens!

SmartCoop makes it possible. The intelligent interaction of the individual modules ensures an optimal living environment thanks to automated processes, eliminates husbandry errors and thus promotes the welfare of the animals. The system can be operated both manually via a control unit and fully digitally with a mobile device. The modular design also allows full flexibility to adapt the system perfectly to different conditions. This allows SmartCoop to be integrated in very small barns as well as in larger fixed or mobile barns. All modules can be installed and operated individually or together, depending on which functions you want to use.

Turn your chicken coop into a place of well-being, that thinks for itself and makes everyday life easier for people and animals!
Grafik Installation im Hühnerstall von SmartCoop Steuerung
Piktogramm für SmartCoop Automatisierung
Automates the chicken coop
Piktogramm für SmartCoop Tag-Nacht-Rhythmus
Constant day-night rhythm for more well-being and higher laying performance
Piktogramm für SmartCoop Temperatur-Luftverhaeltnisse
Optimal temperature & air conditions for a healthy stable climate
Piktogramm für SmartCoop Wasser- und Futtergabe
Monitoring of water and feed administration
Piktogramm für Zuvverlässigkeit
Piktogramm für beliebig erweiterbar
Arbitrarily expandable
Piktogramm für Bedienung per App
Operation via app possible
Piktogramm für einfache Installation
Easy installation
Piktogramm für Alltagserleichterung
Facilitates everyday life

The SmartCoop System

Hühner versammelt um SmartCoop Module in ihrer Verpackung
In its full expansion stage, the SmartCoop system can be combined with all of the modules listed below.

SmartCoop Control unit

The control is the heart of the SmartCoop system. All modules are connected to the control and programmed.

Connectivity Module

The connectivity module connects the control with local Wi-Fi and allows all functions to be programmed and monitored via the Kerbl App.

LED Barn Lighting

The LED barn lighting provides targeted lighting for barns according to your individual settings and creates a healthy day-night rhythm.

External Daylight Sensor

When assembling the control indoors, the external daylight sensor replaces the integrated control sensor and detects the ambient light outdoors.

Feeder with Safety Flap

The SmartCoop Feeder ensures your chickens have constant access to hygienic feed.

Feed Dispenser with Fill Level Sensor

The feed dispenser is an accessory for the feeder for controlling the time and amount of feed provided and for level control.

SmartCoop Poultry Waterer

The SmartCoop poultry drinker ensures your chickens have constant safe access to clean drinking water.

Drinker Heater with Level Sensor

The drinker heater is an accessory for the poultry drinker for level control and prevents the drinking water from freezing.

Barn Ventilation

Stable ventilation ensures a safe supply of fresh air. Stable ventilation removes moisture and air contaminated with ammonia and effectively protects against moisture damage and mold.

Barn Ventilation Exhaust

The barn ventilation exhaust removes air contaminated with ammonia and moisture and provides effective protection against moisture damage and mould infestation.

SmartCoop Chicken Door

The chicken door with rack and pinion drive is a professional everyday helper and reliably protects every chicken coop from predators.

Cable Pull for Chicken Door

The cable pull opens and closes all common, vertically mounted wooden, metal and plastic chicken flaps reliably and automatically.

SmartCoop Signal Lamp

The signal light allows the detection of control messages from a greater distance.

Air Temperature Sensor

The air temperature sensor monitors the temperature in the coop and enables temperature-dependent control of the coop ventilation.

Areas of application SmartCoop

SmartCoop und Solarpaneel installiert in selbstgebautem Hühnerstall
Wooden barn with SmartCoop system installed
Hühnerstall MobileCoop mit installiertem SmartCoop System und Hühnern
MobileCoop with SmartCoop system installed

Operating instructions

Assembly instructions

Hotline Germany / International:

+49 8086 933-323
