How to get your chickens through the winter frost-free

Although most chicken breeds are well adapted to the cold, wind, wetness and snow can quickly become problematic. Winterise the chicken coop and enclosure and always provide an extra portion of fatty feed. This will give your chickens the best support for the winter. The following steps are important when preparing for the cold season:


Prepare the chicken coop for winter

Thermo-Hühnerstall No Frost von Kerbl
Humidity, moisture and wind can quickly become a problem for chickens. Make sure you keep the chicken house dry and protect your chickens from draughts. If it is particularly cold, you should also install an  automatically closing door . A heatable  thermal chicken coop  offers a winter-proof solution. The double-walled construction provides optimal cold insulation. In the best case, heating coils are installed in the floor area to keep the interior frost-free. In this way, you offer your chickens safe and comfortable accommodation.
The drinking water must not freeze under any circumstances. The right location is important. Place the drinking trough in the middle of the chicken house. If it is very cold, it is advisable to place an additional heating mat underneath. Check the water in the drinker every day.  Heated small animal bowls  are particularly safe and comfortable. The bottles of these bowls are double-walled insulated and also have a heating element integrated in the bowl. This special small animal bowls supplies your chickens with fresh water frost-free down to minus 20 degrees.
Kleintiertränke NoFrost Superior 2.0 von Kerbl
Heizplatte für Geflügeltränken von Kerbl
Heating plates  as well as  rubber heating plates  are also suitable for ensuring that your chickens are still supplied with fresh water even in the coldest temperatures. Anti-slip strips on the top guarantee safe standing for a variety of drinkers.


Timely basic cleaning

Clean the chicken house thoroughly in autumn. Before the onset of winter, the chicken house should also be repainted with milk of lime. This reduces the germ load and keeps parasites away. Renew the litter and sand bath regularly before and during the winter. Generously line the floor of the chicken coop with straw. This helps to insulate against the cold.
Thermo-Hühnerstall No Frost mit Stroh ausgelegt für die Hühner

Thermo-Hühnerstall No Frost mit aufgeklapptem Dach

Is the coop or chicken house suitable for winter?

Check the  chicken house for damage and carry out any necessary repairs. The housing and also the enclosure must be able to withstand sharp winds, heavy rain and large amounts of snow. Test the roof for tightness. Draughts and moisture can penetrate through cracks and holes in the outer wall. Is the ventilation working? You must rectify any defects before the onset of winter. The ideal humidity in the chicken coop is 60%-80%. Use a hygrometer to measure the humidity.


Check the outdoor enclosure

Chickens are active and need exercise - even in winter. Regularly check the fence of the enclosure for loose wires. The chickens could injure themselves on them. Holes in the fence can also develop over time. They make it easy for foxes to get into the enclosure. You can keep wild animals out with an electric fence. With an  electrifiable poultry net , you and your chickens are always on the safe side.
Geflügelnetz PoultryNet Premium von Kerbl

Futterergänzungsmittel für Geflügel

The right winter food

The usual grain mix is not enough for chickens in winter to stay fit and healthy. Chickens have a significantly higher energy requirement during this time of year. Laying and pullet hens need additional support with  feed supplements .


Prevent light deficiency

In winter, chickens lay fewer eggs. They need their energy to protect themselves against the cold. During the darker months, the lack of light also affects the laying performance of your chickens. Your animals need 13-14 hours of light per day for full performance. Therefore, make sure they have enough light. If there are no large windows or glazed doors in the coop, at least install lighting. Preferably with a timer and dimmer function. This way they can simulate sunrise and sunset.

Find out about all the useful products such as thermal chicken coops, frost-free bowls, species-appropriate feed and accessories to get your chickens through the winter in the best possible way: