Chickens and other poultry are very special when you look at their digestion. In most creatures, digestion begins with the chewing process. In poultry, the teeth are missing, so the mechanical part of digesting food does not begin in the beak. Nature has compensated for this anatomical "flaw" by creating a gizzard.
Very important for good digestion is clean water and high quality feed.
Chickens feed mainly on grains (wheat and maize). They also find fresh plants and insects in their enclosure. Green waste such as peelings, stalks of fruit and vegetables or lettuce leaves are wonderful for chickens. A hen consumes about 12 to 150 kg of green waste per year.
Daily menu- 25 cl clean water, especially in summer
- 100 to 150 g of cereals (wheat, maize) and protein crops (peas, beans), whole or ground
- Pasture, insects and green waste
- Minerals for solid eggs