Chicken Diary Part 7: Exploring the new home!

Our chickens survived the first night in the new coop very well. They seem relaxed and don't seem to be afraid of us. Three of them have already ventured out into the open - although still a little reluctant. They stay close together and near the chicken coop.
Besides the grain mixture, they also had banana today. They certainly seem to like the food. It's really fun to watch the chickens explore the environment.

Chicken Diary Part 8: The Silkie Chickens

Today there is some information about the silkie chickens. The breed originally comes from the East Asian region. The exact origin is unfortunately unclear, but we know from a travelogue by Marco Polo that silkie chickens must have existed as early as 1292. In it, Marco Polo reports on black, cat-haired chickens. In Germany, the breed was not officially recognised until 1988.
Huhn in Hühnertür
The chickens are frugal and very robust, therefore ideally suited for beginners. Silkie chickens lay about 100 eggs per year, they weigh about 1 kilo and live up to 5 years. Silkie chickens can hardly fly at all - so fence height is no problem at all for this breed. The animals quickly become trusting and can usually be stroked after a short time. Silkie chickens come in different colours. It is also interesting that silk hens have 5 toes instead of the usual 4 toes.

Chicken Diary Part 9: The Lesser Crested Chickens - Small but mighty!

Bantams are miniature versions of large chicken breeds. Breeding of bantams began at the end of the 19th century. The chickens are particularly popular with hobby farmers because they look nice, have a reasonable laying performance and require less space than large chickens.
Hühner auf Wiese
Bantams lay up to 180 eggs per year. Most bantams weigh less than one kilo. They are lively, can fly over one metre high. The animals are very peaceful and quickly become trusting. The cap on the head looks particularly beautiful and gives the chickens a very special appearance.