Hobby Farming - Poultry Farming

The connection with nature and animals, the enjoyment of home-grown food, a fresh egg from your own chickens for breakfast. Hobby farming is becoming more and more of a trend and combines leisure (hobby) and agriculture (farming).
Keeping chickens is ideal for hobby farmers and self-supporters and is not difficult. In order to provide the chickens with optimal conditions right from the start, the following things should be in place:
  • Sufficiently large stable and free run (space for scratching)
  • Laying nests and perches
  • Water trough & feeding trough
  • Grain mix but also green waste from your household
  • Additional supplements such as various minerals and vitamins
  • A food ball for leisure activities
  • Litter such as pellets/straw litter, sawdust or straw
  • Chicken literature on care, keeping, breeds & co.
  • For the winter, a heatable drinker or hot plate
Mädchen mit Korb voller Eier

Find out here about our entire product range on the subject of keeping chickens:

The chickens

Since chickens are very social, at least four animals should always be kept. There are different breeds that lay eggs. Professional breeders, poultry breeding clubs or experienced hobby farmers are good contacts here and can advise which chickens suit the respective keeper.
But the neighbours should also be involved in the decision, especially if you are thinking of keeping roosters.
junge Frau hockend mit Huhn auf dem Arm
Hühner am Futtertrog