Health and hygiene


Piktogramm Pfoten
5. provide food and attention  
Another way to help your indoor cat live a happy life is to feed it the right food. If you have an indoor cat, it is best to feed it food specially developed for house cats. Such food contains everything necessary for a healthy life in the confines of the house and ensures that the cat gets enough vitamins and minerals. Other types of food, such as wet food or dry food, can also be offered - as long as you always keep in mind, which foods could be harmful to the cat's health (chocolate, for example). Buy your cat high quality food products. It is important that you give your cat good food so that it stays slim and healthy. Make sure that the food tastes good to animals, otherwise there is a good chance that your cat will not eat it. To keep water and food fresh, there are special water dispensers and feed troughs . This way, your cat will be optimally supplied even during your absence.
Piktogramm Pfoten
6. cleanliness and hygiene for the health of your cat
Katze steigt aus der Katzentoilette
Cats are very clean animals and therefore want to live in a clean environment. A cat litter box is an important element in their home and should therefore be chosen carefully. Most cats prefer a toilet with a lid to maintain their privacy. Make sure the lid is large enough for your cat to climb in and out comfortably. The size of the opening should also be considered so that your cat can do its business easily. Litter boxes with lids have the advantage that they trap odours better. If you choose an open litter box, make sure, it is made of easy-to-clean material. Regular cleaning is essential. A clean litter box is important for your cat's health and also for your own well-being.
Piktogramm Pfoten
7. avoid stress 
Katze liegt entspannt auf dem Kratzbaum
The biggest challenge in keeping an indoor cat is to avoid stressful situations. This includes routine: feed your cat at the same time every day and make regular vet appointments and vaccination appointments - all this helps to keep stress levels down! Also, try to create as much calm as possible in the home environment: Be quiet in the house and avoid loud music or television in the immediate vicinity of your cat's scratching post or bed.