Planning and control in case of rodent infestation

Prebaiting pest control
  1. First determine the rodent species (rats and/or mice) and the extent of the infestation. To do this, check possible paths along walls, identify feeding marks and possible damage.
2. In case of infestation by only single mice indoors, traps are the more appropriate control measure.

3. after recognising a possible route of the rodents, mark it and close off possible entrances to food sources. 4.

4. carry out a pre-baiting along the routes by filling bait boxes with bait without active ingredient (e.g. cereal bait).

5. Check which bait boxes have been accepted and how severe the infestation is. Move bait boxes that have not been accepted so that an optimal distribution of bait boxes along the walkways can be achieved.
Control Phase Pest Control
It has been shown that rat and mice control is a year-round issue with a focus from August to March. For optimal control results, divide your yard/facility into the following areas:
  • Outer barrier belt (green bait points)
  • Inner barrier belt (grey bait points) 
  • Acute control area (red bait points)
The following schematic site plan should help you to adapt this concept to your circumstances.

Common causes of control failures

  • the bait is no longer fresh enough and therefore no longer attractive
  • the baits were not applied with gloves and therefore have a "human smell"
  • there are too many alternative feed options, especially those containing vitamin K, which neutralise the effect of the active substances (e.g. soy meal, cabbage leaves)
  • the bait stations were moved again and again or the rodents were disturbed in other ways
  • too few bait points were set up
  • Not enough bait was added or not over a sufficiently long period of time
  • from the surrounding area, new rats keep migrating to
Follow up control Pest Control
To avoid a new infestation after successful control, the following measures must be taken:
  1. Removal of possible food sources (food, rubbish, etc.).
  2. Removal of rubbish and waste that could serve as shelter.
  3. If possible, make accesses to the interior (crevices, holes, cat flaps, drains, etc.) inaccessible to rodents.
Documention pest control
Documentation is important for systematic control and its success. In addition, various laws and regulations in agriculture require appropriate measures to ensure a standard of hygiene. This also includes the control of rodents and their documentation.
  1. Create a site plan and draw the bait sites in the individual zones.
  2. Mark the bait points with continuous numbering and make a list of what was baited, when and how often.