Fly control in the stable: protection for livestock and increased performance

Stable flies are not only a nuisance, but also significantly impair the well-being of farm animals. They are carriers of germs, viruses and bacteria, which can jeopardise the health of the animals and reduce their performance.


The invisible danger: eggs, maggots and larvae

Like an iceberg, only around 15-20% of the fly population is visible. The larger, invisible part consists of eggs, maggots and larvae, which are often found in hidden corners and cracks. Controlling adult flies with adulticides alone is therefore only a short-term success, as it does not interrupt the life cycle of the flies.


Preventive measures and root cause control

It is essential to get to the root of the problem and combat the fly larvae in a targeted manner. Preventative measures are the key to controlling the fly population before it even becomes airborne.
Development fly population pyramid graphic
Tips for practice:
  • Fly control should start early in spring to prevent mass reproduction.
  • Every control measure should also target the fly larvae.
  • Special breeding places for flies are calf pens, corners and cavities with manure and feed remains, deep litter and floating layers in slurry pits. By removing the breeding sites you destroy a large number of fly maggots.
  • Optimise your stable climate. Well-ventilated stables are avoided by flies.
  • Use alternative control methods such as sticky traps and electric fly catchers at an early stage.
  • Pay attention to the change of active ingredients in sprays against adult flies.


Early start of fly control

Fly control should begin early in the spring to prevent mass reproduction. This is particularly important as flies can mature and multiply quickly in warmer temperatures.

Focus on fly larvae

Every control measure should target both the adult flies and the fly larvae intensively. Special breeding places such as calf pens, corners and cavities with manure and feed residues provide ideal conditions for the development of fly maggots.

Optimisation of the barn climate

Flies avoid a well-ventilated barn. Efficient ventilation helps to keep the climate in the barn dry and unattractive to flies.

Elimination of breeding grounds

Regular cleaning and removal of breeding places can destroy many fly maggots. This includes deep litter, floating layers in slurry pits and other areas that are attractive to flies.

Use of alternative control methods

In addition to chemical agents, alternative control methods such as sticky traps and electric flycatchers should also be used at an early stage. These methods are environmentally friendly and reduce the need to use insecticides.

Changing the chemical agent

To avoid the development of resistance, it is important to regularly change the active ingredient when using sprays against adult flies. This helps to ensure the long-term effectiveness of chemical control.


Summary and conclusion

A comprehensive strategy for fly control in stables is essential for the health and performance of livestock. The fly population can be effectively controlled and minimised through a combination of preventative measures, targeted larvae control and the use of environmentally friendly methods.