Lighting for riding sports

Für den Reitsport gibt die Norm „Licht und Beleuchtung – Sportstättenbeleuchtung“ (DIN EN 12193) Vorgaben in Bezug auf die Beleuchtung. Hierzu wird zunächst in unterschiedliche Beleuchtungsklassen unterschieden.
 Competition levelLighting classes ILighting classes IILighting classes III
 School/leisure sportsX
Please note the following legend to understand the table below:
Emin = minimum illuminance
Eav = average illuminance
lx = Lux

Artificial lighting is always needed outdoors when there is insufficient natural light. Light pollution should be kept as low as possible according to the Federal Pollution Control Act. Separate switching of individual lights or lighting groups is recommended to adapt lighting to the actual need.
 Lighting classeshorizontal illuminance Eav Ixhorizontal illuminance Emin / Eav
EN 12193, A 13 riding / show jumping / dressage
Pferd läuft im Außengelände an der Longierleine

Natural light is lower in a riding arena than outdoors, which is why a higher light level is necessary and sometimes required. Here, too, there is the option of switching each light individually or to link them into switching groups.
 Lighting classeshorizontal illuminance Eav Ixhorizontal illuminance Emin / Eav
EN 12193, A 3 riding