NL: Besluit houders van dieren,
BE: Arrêté royal relatif à la protection des veaux dans les élevages de veaux,
IT: DECRETO LEGISLATIVO 7 luglio 2011, n. 126,
FI: Valtioneuvoston asetus nautojen suojelusta
From the age of 2 weeks, group housing is necessary except in exceptional cases. The dimensions of the single housing are based on the following specifications:
With our CalfHouse series you can usually house your calves up to 8 weeks.
Internal dimensions of the housing systems:
Calf box small = 130 x 85 cm
Calf box large, calf box Premium = 160 x 100 cm
Modular calf box = 160 x 116 cm
Master Plus = 186 x 104 cm (hutch) + 133 x 105 cm (run)
Premium Plus = 196 x 104 cm (hutch) + 133 x 105 cm (run)
PE UV+ = 195 x 103 cm (hutch) + 134 x 105 cm (run)
The following tables show the maximum permissible number of animals in the respective accommodation, according to the current legal provisions (as of January 2024):
The following tables show the maximum permissible number of animals in the respective accommodation, according to the current legal provisions (as of January 2024):
* Set of 3 interconnected boxes
** consisting of 3 interconnected boxes