Supplementary feed for calves

As a proven specialist in farm animal husbandry with decades of experience in the field of feed supplements, the Kerbl Group has been stocking a wide variety of dietary supplement for years with great success. In the following, we present products especially for calf rearing in more detail:

Gut health

Diarrhoeal diseases are among the most economically significant calf diseases. In the first weeks of life, they account for about 75-80% of all calf diseases (BOTHER and BUDDE, 1992; BRÄNDLE, 2006).
In the following, we present a selection of high-quality dietary supplement s that you can use when there is a risk of diarrhoea to support the intestinal health of your calves:


Electrolyte and buffer concentrate

Electrolyte drinks with buffer substances can be life-saving for diarrhoea calves! They work against metabolic acidosis and against dehydration. Agrolyte stabilises the water and electrolyte balance during diarrhoea and sweating. The electrolytes contained compensate for the losses that occur during diarrhoea and sweating. The buffer substance contained regulates the blood pH value.

Salyt Liquid

Salyt Liquid

Electrolyte, buffer concentrate and intestinal health.

Salyt Liquid stabilises the water and electrolyte balance during diarrhoea and sweating. It can be administered directly via the milk drinker, because the buffer substance sodium acetate contained does not interfere with milk coagulation. In addition, the inulin contained has a prebiotic effect on intestinal health.

Bufferlyt Bolus Ergänzungsfuttermittel für Kälber

Bufferlyt Bolus

Buffer and electrolyte bolus

Blood over-acidity is the cause of unwillingness to drink, weakness and being stuck during diarrhoea. The Bufferlyte Bolus for calves contains the buffer substance sodium bicarbonate and regulates the blood pH. When the blood pH is in order, the calves are fitter and drink milk and electrolyte drinks again. The input is safe and child's play.

Surlac Plus Liquid

Surlac Plus Liquid

Liquid concentrate for acidification

Surlac Plus can be used to safely acidify and "pre-digest" the milk drinker. Acidification below pH 5.5 inhibits the growth of certain bacteria (e.g. E.coli). As a result, the drinker remains very well tolerated by the calves even below 39°C. This is important for ad libitum, storage and cold drinking. Surlac Plus also contains vital iron. Iron promotes blood formation and infection defence and helps to increase the calves' vitality.

The Globigen Concept

The antibodies produced by the chicken (IgY) function similarly to the antibodies produced by mammals (IgG). IgY can be absorbed orally by the calf via egg powder and act locally in the intestine. The supplementary feeds Globigen Colostrum, Globigen DiaStop and Globigen CalfPaste contain these valuable, functional egg immunoglobulins and can support the intestinal health of your calves.
Globigen Colostrum
Globigen Colostrum
Globigen DiaStop
Globigen DiaStop
Globigen CalfPaste
Ergänzungsfuttermittel für Kälber Globigen Calf Paste

Respiratory disease

Bronchogol Liquid

Bronchogol Liquid

Liquid herbal concentrate to support breathing

The essential oils of eucalyptus and mint contained in Bronchogol Liquid help to maintain the physiological defence function in the respiratory tract. The animals can breathe more freely. The product can be administered directly into the milk and should be given to the animals in critical weather phases and stress situations.