Colostrum management in calf feeding - the key to improving calf health

Feeding the calf immediately after birth is crucial for its further progress.

A calf is born without immune protection and is defenceless against diseases. The newborn calf can absorb so-called immunoglobulins via the colostrum in order to build up its own immune system and shield itself against pathogens, etc. The calf's intestinal wall is permeable to bacteria immediately after birth. Immediately after birth, the permeability of the intestinal wall for immunoglobulins from colostrum is at its highest. 

It is therefore recommended for the optimal supply of newborn calves...
  • within the first 3 hours after birth
  • 10% of the body weight of the newborn calf
  • of high-quality colostrum within the first three hours after birth
This lays the foundation for further development to full performance and health.
Ein neugeborenes Kalb im Stall mit einer Kuh im Hintergrund


Quality determination of colostrum

Ideally, the high-quality first milk of the maternal animal is fed to the newborn calf. However, there are differences in colostrum and it is therefore advisable to check the quality.
Refraktometer zur genaueren und schnellen Bestimmung der Kolostralmilchqualität


The Brix content of the milk can be determined by looking through the lens of a refractometer. For feeding to newborns, the Brix content should be at least 20, preferably 25 upwards.

To do this, apply a small amount of colostrum to the prism of the device, close the flap and read the value on the light-dark border of the scale.


Another way of determining quality is the colostrometer. The density of the first milking differs from the milk at a later point in the lactation. The quality can also be determined using a spindle.

Draw the colostrum into the pipette with the suction tube, after the spindle has aligned itself, the quality can be read on the colour scale of the spindle.


Feeding colostrum

Ein Kalb wird mit Kolostrum gefüttert
There are various products available for feeding. Feeding is often initially attempted with bottles or buckets with teats. The teat imitates the cow's teat. Bottles have the great advantage that they fit well in the hand and the calf's head can be supported with the second hand.

It should be noted that the calf's neck is stretched to trigger the so-called gullet reflex. This is responsible for ensuring that the milk flows directly into the abomasum. This position corresponds to the mother's drinking position at the udder.
Especially after heavy births, calves may not drink on their own. In these cases, the calf can be drenched to ensure sufficient colostrum intake.
A few points should be observed to ensure safe and injury-free drenching. It is advisable to discuss the procedure with a vet before using it for the first time. They can give you helpful tips and assess your procedure.
Eine Landwirtin füttert ein Kalb mit einer Flasche


Colostrum management

Kerbl offers products for the farm's own colostrum bank in order to build up reserves of colostrum of very good quality and to have it available quickly.
For this purpose, high-quality colostrum is frozen, heated and fed as required. Bags are ideal for this. Placed flat in the freezer, milk will freeze through faster and will defrost much quicker.


Our ColostroStart are single-use bags to ensure maximum hygiene. Alternatively, they can be fed with a teat or drench probe. Various accessories for easier filling and feeding complement our ColostroStart Management.



The Antahi products were developed in collaboration with vets to make the first feeding of calves with colostrum safer and more efficient. The combination of ergonomic mouthpiece and drench probe minimises the risk of injury and ensures that the colostrum reaches the calf's stomach directly. The well thought-out design and easy handling are already appreciated by many farmers and at the same time reduce stress for the calf.
The mouthpiece makes it easier to insert the drench tube into the oesophagus by allowing more precise guidance. The drench tube is transparent for optimum flow control.
Antahi Colostrum Bags

Antahi Colostrum Bags

Bag for feeding and storing colostrum. Feeding is carried out using a teat or, if required, a drench probe. The large opening makes it easy to fill the bags and allows the bags to be cleaned with a tube brush. If cleaned properly, the bags can be reused up to 5 times.
Antahi Calf Drencher

Antahi Calf Drencher

With the calf bottle, it is easy to switch from teat to drencher by changing the lid. In addition to the classic mouthpiece of the Trusti Tuber, there is also the Flexi Tuber with a strap to attach it to the calf's head.