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Biosecurity - indispensable for humans and animals

What is biosecurity?
Biosecurity refers to preventive management measures to avoid the risk of transmission of infectious diseases in farm animals. It is divided into internal and external biosecurity.

Internal biosecurity: All processes within a stable that can lead to the transmission of pathogens. Important: How to deal with sick animals.

External biosecurity: Preventive measures to keep pathogens away from farm animals in which they are not yet present.

Why biosecurity?

African swine fever (ASF), avian flu, avian influenza, foot-and-mouth disease and mastitis are familiar to every farmer. These are common diseases in the livestock sector. If such an epidemic breaks out on a farm, this can have considerable consequences for the livestock farmer. In addition, diseases that are passed on from animals to humans cannot be ruled out. Listeria and salmonella are examples of this. In animal husbandry, the risk of pathogens must be contained by hygiene measures such as disinfection, protective clothing and pest control.

What are the benefits of biosecurity?
Even under normal circumstances, timely biosecurity measures mean fewer sick animals. This leads to lower vaccination and treatment costs and better growth in your animals. So investing in biosecurity pays off.

Prevention instead of reaction

What can I do preventively?
Measures to improve biosecurity fall into two groups.
Prevention: Keep diseases away from the outside.
Action: Prevent the further spread of disease on your farm.

Ferkel im Stall Separate "clean" and "unclean" areas within the premises. Only allow visitors to enter stables through the hygiene sluice and in appropriate protective clothing. Provide a visitors' book in which everyone must sign in. Put up a warning sign on the premises.

How do I protect my animals from outside influences?
Put up a fence and move the feed silos to the road side of your farm. This way, lorries with feed deliveries do not have to drive onto your premises to fill them. Use different vehicles for transport inside your farm than for outside. This eliminates one of the main causes of contamination. New animals should remain in quarantine for a certain period of time until it is certain that they are healthy.

Kühe im Stall Ensure animal health
You produce food with farm animals. Create the best conditions for the welfare of your animals and thus avoid compromising food safety. Animal health reduces the risk of transmission of disease-causing germs to animal carers. This also applies to transmission via food to humans.

The solution is biosecurity!

Biosecurity is achieved by means of mechanical and chemical measures.
Albert Kerbl GmbH offers a wide range of products with regard to both aspects.
Mechanical prevention
The basis is sufficient and good lighting . With adequate brightness, sources of infection, such as rodents and dirt, can be detected. In twilight, such weak points are easily overlooked.
Hanta virus is a pathogen caused by rodents. Beetles, flies and mites can also transmit serious diseases. Consistent pest control is therefore essential!
Before starting daily work in the barn, it must be ensured that every person entering the barn wears protective clothing. For employees and stable workers who are regularly in the stable with the animals, company-owned and cleaned protective clothing and boots are suitable. Clean and disinfect your shoes or boots. Suitable protective clothing,  such as coveralls and overshoes are recommended for one-time visits to the stables. A visitor's book in which everyone must sign in is necessary to trace a possible chain of infection. Put up a warning sign on the premises to keep unwanted guests away.

Chemical prevention
When entering the stable, shoes or boots must be cleaned and disinfected. With our boot disinfectant bath  alone or also in combination with our disinfection mat , this is done in seconds. Ensure that there are sufficient facilities to wash and disinfect hands.
It is important to clean and disinfection equipment and contact surfaces regularly. The disinfectant must be effective against viruses. Our disinfectant INTERKOKASK has been approved by the DVG (German Veterinary Medicine Society) and the European Standard for Veterinary Use. The stable disinfectant RHODASEPT has been tested by the IHO disinfectant list according to the EU standard.
Consistent and adapted cleaning and disinfection of stalls or compartments before each new occupancy, as well as of equipment ( pushers , brooms , shovels ) must not be forgotten.

Hühner auf der Wiese und Schädlingsbekämpfungsmittel Consistent pest control
Rodents, vermin, beetles, flies and mites are not only unpleasant and annoying, but can also cause and spread serious diseases.
Here you will find all products for pest control