Strategic fields of action

The topics relevant to the sustainability strategy of Albert Kerbl GmbH were consolidated under strategic fields of action as part of a materiality analysis.

The following sustainability goals of the United Nations (UN) were addressed
Pictogram for health and well-being for the "Employees" field of action
Pictogram for affordable and clean energy for the "Internal processes" field of action
Decent Work and Economic Growth Pictogram for the "Management" field of action
Industry, innovation and infrastructure pictogram for the "Data management" field of action
Pictogram for sustainable consumption and production for the "supply chain" field of action
Pictogram for climate protection measures for the "Products" field of action
Pictogram for peace, justice and strong institutions for the field of action "Partnership with Hilfsverein Ukraine".
Pictogram for less inequality for the field of action "cooperation with sheltered workshops

Field of action "Products"

In the strategic field of action "Products", the topics of climate-neutral products, ecological and recyclable materials, product-related service offers and sustainable product development were identified as important.

Current top measures
Kerbl has already implemented many measures in these areas. For example, an internal sustainability project was initiated, which focuses on products, sales and transport packaging under the project name "3R". In this project, the three areas are systematically analyzed for their reduction, reuse and recycling potential to continuously improve the ecological footprint of the product and goods groups offered by Kerbl. A detailed description of sustainable products and packaging can be found here .
Flexigate green Verpackung und Produkt aus recyceltem Material The use of recycled packaging materials has been continuously recorded in the materials management system since this year, thus creating the basis for further expanding the use of secondary raw materials in the packaging sector. 

In addition, the climate impact of various product groups was analyzed on the basis of a generic approach in order to localize the emission drivers in the area of purchased goods and products and to derive further measures for CO₂ reduction. In addition, the data basis for calculating the climate impact of products and packaging material is currently being improved in order to enable future potential analyses at the product level and to incorporate the knowledge gained in the areas of product design and purchasing.

Learn more about Kerbl's  climate strategy .

Field of action "Internal processes"

In the strategic field of action "Internal processes", the topics of energy consumption, sustainable material and raw material purchasing, logistics optimization and conscious handling and sustainable purchasing of labor and operating resources were classified as important.

Current top measures

By building photovoltaic systems, charging stations for e-vehicles or intelligent lighting concepts, Kerbl has initiated and implemented important measures to reduce energy consumption at several locations in 2022.
Luftaufnahme der Firma Kerbl mit Photovoltaikanlage am Standort in Buchbach
In addition, Kerbl conducts regular internal energy audits that focus on energy efficiency at the administration, warehouse and production sites and localise and implement potential for improvement.

Field of action "Supply chain"

In the field of action "supply chain", the topics of ecological and social standards in the supply chain, CO₂-neutral logistics, climate-neutral shipping and ecologically sensible localisation of suppliers were prioritised.

Current top measures

Albert Kerbl GmbH has already made numerous efforts in this area in recent years and has successfully implemented several measures. For example, many of the largest suppliers participate in a programme of the Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI), in which suppliers are audited for compliance with ethical standards. Suppliers' participation in the BSCI programme helps to systematically improve social standards in Albert Kerbl GmbH's global value chain.
BSCI Logo für Einhaltung von ethischen Standards innerhalb der weltweiten Wertschöpfungskette
The aim of Albert Kerbl GmbH is to encourage as many long-term suppliers as possible to participate in the BSCI programme in the future and thus successively improve the social and ecological standards in the supply chain. In addition, Albert Kerbl GmbH's purchasing department asks new suppliers for their social and ecological parameters and enters information on REACH compliance in the supplier master data.

Field of action "Employees"

Ein Mann und eine Frau mit dem Jobrad For the field of action "Employees", the topics of financial security, equal rights, training, further education and training, creating sustainability awareness, work-life balance, recruiting, safety and health at work, and low staff turnover were rated as particularly important.

Current top measure

Kerbl provides its employees with a job bike on request and thus promotes the health of its employees, even away from the workplace.
Logo Jobrad
© JobRad,

Field of action "Management"

In the field of action "Management", the topics of sustainable growth, sustainable investments, integrated and sustainable risk management as well as the organisational anchoring of sustainability management in the company were rated as significant.

Field of action "Data management"

Screenshot eines Datenbank Download Links von Kerbl
In "data management", the topics of securing and protecting company data, digitalisation, master data maintenance and the expanded collection and utilisation of product and supplier master data were rated as particularly important.

Current top measures

By opening a DAM portal, customers are provided with digital product information, which should lead to a significant reduction in paper consumption.

Further fields of action

Field of action "Peace and Justice"

Kerbl supports aid organisation as a partner

After Albert Kerbl GmbH had already supported the association "Zusammen für die Ukraine e.V." several times in the past with aid deliveries, the management has now decided to continue supporting the association as a partner.
In addition to donations in kind to the association, help is also provided, for example, in the form of free packaging materials or, as recently, by covering the printing costs for an association flyer.
Kerbl thus makes a significant contribution to ensuring that people in need, hospitals and aid organisations in Ukraine can be supported effectively and directly without a lot of bureaucracy.
Logo des Vereins Zusammen für die Ukraine e.V.
In addition to this emergency aid, Kerbl also supports the association "Together for Ukraine e.V." in sustainable projects, such as the construction of a makeshift children's library in Chernihiv (the old library was completely destroyed), the partnership of the association with a school in Uzhgorod or the construction of a non-profit bakery in Kamjanetz Podilskyj.

For more information on the association "Together for Ukraine e.V." and its activities, please visit the association's website at 
Together for Ukraine e.V.

Field of action "Inclusion"

Inclusion: Access to education and employment as well as accessibility should lead to better inclusion of people with disabilities.
Logo der Ecksberger Werkstätten
Albert Kerbl GmbH has been working together with the Ecksberger Werkstätten for years. This enables people with disabilities to participate in life in the community and to be integrated into working life.
Among other things, the packaging of some products is done by the employees of the Ecksberger Werkstätten.