Sustainable products and packaging

When taking on new products, we make sure that production is as sustainable as possible. We try to minimise the use of fossil primary raw materials and increasingly use recycled materials or materials made from renewable raw materials. Existing products are also sustainably optimised in coordination with our suppliers.
In 2021, an internal sustainability project was initiated, which focuses on products, sales and transport packaging under the project name "3R". In this project, the three areas are systematically examined for their reduction, reuse and recycling potential in order to continuously improve the ecological footprint of the product and product groups offered by Kerbl.
So that you can recognise our sustainable products and packaging at first glance, we mark them with our sustainability labels:


Product label

Produkt Label für Recyceltes Material

Packaging label

Verpackungslabel für Recyceltes Material
Recycled Material:
The product or packaging is made from recycled materials (= recyclates). A recyclate is a so-called secondary raw material that is obtained during the recycling of plastic waste and used to manufacture new products. For technical reasons, it is often not possible to use 100% recycled material in production. Our label distinguishes products or packaging that are predominantly made from recycled materials, i.e. consist of at least 50% recyclates.

Laying Nest

Legenest für Hühner aus recyceltem Material

Recycling Post

Pfahl aus recyceltem Material


Product label

Produkt Label für erneuerbares Material

Packaging label

Verpackungslabel für Verpackung aus erneuerbarem Material
Renewable Material:
The product or packaging is made from renewable raw materials. For technical reasons, it is often not possible to use 100% renewable materials in production. Our label distinguishes products or packaging that are predominantly made from renewable materials, i.e. the proportion is at least 50%.

Organic Plastic Drinker

Biokunststoff-Tränke gefertigt aus nachwachsenden Rohstoffen

Biting Ring Natural

Ferkel Beißring gefertigt aus nachwachsenden Rohstoffen


Packaging label

Produkt Label für recycelbares Material
Recyclable material:
The material is fully recyclable. The minimum requirements for recyclability are:
  1. Existence of sorting and recycling infrastructure.
  2. Sortability and separability of components
  3. No recycling incompatibilities
When selecting our packaging, we pay attention to recyclability, i.e. we avoid a mix of materials, pay attention to separability and use recyclable materials wherever possible. Packaging that is fully recyclable is marked with this label.

Further information on the detailed composition and manufacture of the products can be found in the catalogue or directly on the product.