Climate strategy of Albert Kerbl GmbH

In 2022, Albert Kerbl GmbH created the CO₂e footprint for the German sites and the subsidiaries AKO Agrartechnik GmbH and Aesculap Schermaschinen GmbH in accordance with the Green House Gas Protocol and the ISO standard 14067 in cooperation with the industry calculator Klimaktiv. As a result, all direct CO₂e emissions (Scope 1) and all indirect emissions from externally generated and purchased energy for stationary and mobile equipment (Scope 2) were recorded. The calculation has been prepared since 2019 to achieve the highest possible data quality and has been recorded as balance years since then. 

In the coming years, it is planned to include the Albert Kerbl GmbH sites outside of Germany in the balance sheet and in the climate strategy.

The results of the balances will be used in future to define measures that will enable CO₂e neutrality in Scope 1 and 2 by 2040. These measures are summarised in a decarbonisation pathway with the base year 2019, which is backed by the 1.5 degree target. In this context, we are guided by the target path of the "Science Based Targets" initiative. The ambitions and a chronological sequence of the reduction of Albert Kerbl GmbH thus become visible. In addition, the share of renewable energy sources is to be steadily increased for the long-term supply of the company locations and the vehicle fleet. In this way, the climate impact of Albert Kerbl GmbH is to be successively reduced.

Decarbonisation path Albert Kerbl GmbH Scope 1 and 2

(Kerbl Group)
Graphic decarbonisation path Albert Kerbl GmbH Scope 1 and 2 Germany


Measures towards climate neutrality

  • With the guiding idea of climate neutrality, various measures were defined in accordance with the principle of reduction, substitution and finally compensation. For this purpose, a photovoltaic system with an output of 299 kWp has been installed at the Buchbach site since 2021. This means that the entire operation at the site can be supplied with 50% of its own electricity. In addition, electricity supply contracts have been switched to 1,500,000 kWh of certified green electricity since 2022. This reduced CO₂ emissions by 719 [t] CO₂e in 2022.
  • In addition, two photovoltaic plants with a capacity of 450 kWp each are being planned for the sites in Ampfing and Suhl. This will significantly increase the amount of electricity generated by the entire Albert Kerbl Group by 2030.
  • In the long term, it is planned that the company's own vehicle fleet will be electrified step by step. To this end, employees are free to choose the type of vehicles they want to use. To support e-mobility, a charging infrastructure has been set up at the Buchbach and Suhl sites since April 2022, which is primarily supplied with self-generated PV electricity.
  • With the goal of reducing fossil fuels, significant levers for energy efficiency are also being implemented. For example, it was decided in 2022 that the site in Ampfing and in Suhl will be equipped with efficient LED luminaires across the board. It is assumed that the electricity consumption of the lighting will be reduced by 85 % as a result of the changeover.
  • Furthermore, a product group analysis was carried out in 2021 using a generic approach in order to record the main emission drivers through the product portfolio of Albert Kerbl GmbH. The findings on highly emission-intensive products are to be anchored in the product strategy by means of adjustments, taking into account the climate strategy. In this context, in addition to the purchased goods, all other significant Scope 3 emissions in the areas of upstream logistics, downstream logistics, employee commuting, business travel and waste logistics were calculated.


Milestones of the company-wide climate strategy

Graphic Milestones of the company-wide climate strategy
In cooperation with KlimAktiv non-profit society for the promotion of climate protection mbH and STAR COOPERATION GmbH